Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram
INSTAGRAM ADVERTISING If you’ve never considered Instagram Advertising, perhaps now is the time to do just that. Instagram Advertising is a fantastic way to successfully promote your Instagram with guaranteed results. You can advertise on Instagram Stories and in the Instagram Newsfeed with either videos or images. Display Network: Gambling ads can show on partner sites that have opted-in to show such content. Social casino game ads can show on partner sites, but not on those that have opted out of showing such content. Google Ad Manager Network: Gambling ads are not allowed to show on these partner sites. Tag brands, followers and locations whenever you can. Tagging is a surprisingly effective way to promote your Instagram. And no, we’re not just talking about hashtags. For example, you can tag other brands and accounts in hopes of a shout-out yourself.
To keep Instagram safe and supportive for users to express themselves, we create safety tools, privacy settings and security features. Our community guidelines support a safe and open environment for everyone.
In the last 15 years, social media has become such a pervasive part of our lives that we don’t even notice how much time we’re spending on it. Statista reports that the average person spends 135 minutes on social media each day, following an upward trend of increasing time spent on social media each year. This raises the question: What are the effects of social media on the brain?
Psychology: Comparison Is the Thief of Joy
A University of Pennsylvania study examined how social media use causes fear of missing out (“FOMO”). In the study, one group of participants limited their time on social media to 30 minutes a day, while a control group continued to use Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram as usual. The researchers tracked the participants’ social media time automatically via iPhone battery usage screen shots, and participants completed surveys about their mood and well-being. After three weeks, the participants who limited social media said that they felt less depressed and lonely than people who had no social media limits.
Psychologist Melissa Hunt led the study. She explained, “‘Using less social media than you normally would leads to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness. These effects are particularly pronounced for folks who were more depressed when they came into the study.'”
Hunt suggests that the reason for feeling depressed after spending too much time on social networks boils down to comparison. When viewing someone else’s curated life online, it’s easy see their perfect pictures and think their lives are better than yours.
Physiology: Brain Chemistry Leaves Us Craving More “Likes”
Neuroscientists are studying the effects of social media on the brain and finding that positive interactions (such as someone liking your tweet) trigger the same kind of chemical reaction that is caused by gambling and recreational drugs.
According to an article by Harvard University researcher Trevor Haynes, when you get a social media notification, your brain sends a chemical messenger called dopamine along a reward pathway, which makes you feel good. Dopamine is associated with food, exercise, love, sex, gambling, drugs … and now, social media. Variable reward schedules up the ante; psychologist B.F. Skinner first described this in the 1930s. When rewards are delivered randomly (as with a slot machine or a positive interaction on social media), and checking for the reward is easy, the dopamine-triggering behavior becomes a habit.
Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Likes
Side Effects of Social Media on the Brain
Spending too much time on social media isn’t just a bad habit; it can have real consequences. Science shows that we are basically carrying around little dopamine stimulators in our pockets, so it’s not surprising that we’re constantly distracted by our phones. A TED video explains that social media makes us bad at multitasking and causes phantom vibration syndrome, which is when you feel like your phone is buzzing even though it’s not.
Just like a gambling or substance addiction, social media addiction involves broken reward pathways in our brains. Social media provides immediate rewards — in the form of attention from your network — for minimal effort through a quick thumb tap. Therefore, the brain rewires itself, making you desire likes, retweets, emoji applause and so on. According to TED, five to 10 percent of internet users are psychologically addicted and can’t control how much time they spend online. Brain scans of social media addicts are similar to those of drug-dependent brains: There is a clear change in the regions of the brain that control emotions, attention and decision making.
To make things worse, according to TED, the reward centers in our brains are most active when we’re talking about ourselves. In real life, people talk about themselves 30 to 40 percent of the time; social media is all about showing off your life, so people talk about themselves a whopping 80 percent of the time. When a person posts a picture and gets positive social feedback, it stimulates the brain to release dopamine, which again rewards that behavior and perpetuates the social media habit.
Moderation Is Crucial
The science is clear: Too much social media can alter our brain chemistry. But there are also many good sides to social media; for example, we use these networks to stay in touch with friends and family and to connect to more people across the globe. reports that social media is good for science communication, which is critical for getting research findings to shape public policy. As for what can be done to mitigate the negative, the University of Pennsylvania study suggests that limiting the amount of time spent on social media can reduce harmful psychological effects.
Northrop Grumman has a long history of research and development resulting in innovation and discovery. We’re always looking for people to join our team and participate in creating the next big thing.
Advertising on Instagram has been a hot topic among Blue Magnet Interactive’s clients as well as digital marketing professionals. In true Facebook style, what once was available to a small, select group of advertisers has now been rolled out to advertisers everywhere, so it is inevitable that this has become a popular conversation.
Before we dive into specifics; is important to note that Facebook is Instagram’s parent company and the same advertising rules apply. In fact, Instagram ads are built in Facebook’s Ad Manager (or Power Editor) and can coincide with your Facebook campaigns if you select “Instagram” as one of your ad placements. Other ad placement options include Facebook’s Desktop and Mobile News Feeds, the right column on Facebook’s Desktop News Feed, and Facebook’s Audience Network. This also means that the same targeting options advertisers have on Facebook are available on Instagram including location (down to a user’s zip code), demographics, and interests – to name a few. This data is pulled from apps and third-party sites that users utilize and based on other Page’s/accounts users follow as well as the information and interests they share on Facebook. Therefore, advertisers have a lot of control over their ads’ audiences.
The buzz around Instagram Ads is at its peak; in turn, today we are discussing some of the most frequently asked questions we have received centering this advertising platform.
Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Followers
Do I need an account to advertise on Instagram?

You might be surprised to learn that no, you do not need an Instagram account to run ads on the platform; however, you do, at the very least, need a Facebook Page. While having an Instagram account is not a requirement, it is highly recommended. If you decide to run an ad – sans Instagram – through your Facebook Page, you will not be able to respond to any comments left on your ad. Your “Instagram handle” will be your Page’s name and it will be grayed out (meaning users will not be able to click on it like they would an actual Instagram handle). If your Page name exceeds the character limit for Instagram handles, it will be cut short with “…”
What advertising objectives should my hotel take advantage of?
Whether you are looking to increase brand awareness or drive website traffic, similar to Facebook, there are a variety of objectives to chose from. Before embarking on your targeting strategy and creatives, ask yourself what you want to accomplish; then select from the following:
- Page Post Engagement: Choose this objective to enhance engagement (comments and likes) on your ads. By boosting your posts, you will be able to efficiently get your message in front of your target audience.
- Clicks to Website: Drive quality traffic to a specific page of your website. This is especially a unique opportunity because Instagram posts do not have a place for clickable links. Essentially, even if you have an Instagram account, this is the only way to include a clickable URL within your post. If you are looking to drive traffic to your hotel’s website, you can choose the “Clicks to Website” objective and a call-to-action button will be added to the bottom right corner of your ad.
- Website Conversions:These are used to increase conversion on your hotel’s website (for example, a conversion might be a user booking a room or filling out a request for proposal). In order to take advantage of this objective, your hotel will need to add a Facebook pixel on its website before creating the ad, meaning you will need access to your site’s back end.
Other objectives that are available include Mobile App Installs, Mobile App Engagement, and Video Views.
What will my Instagram ads look like?
Instagram ads will show up in a user’s Instagram feed, as shown in the example below. This particular ad has been optimized for website clicks since there is a call to action to “Learn More” at the bottom right of the photo. You can click on the handle (circled in yellow below) because Chase actually has an Instagram account.
If you choose Instagram as a placement for your ad without an Instagram account, your ad will look like either of the below. The fake “handles” are grayed out and not clickable in both ads. Note: In the example on the right hand side, Seattle University’s “handle” is cut off because the Facebook Page title exceeds Instagram’s handle character allotment. This is one of the many reasons Blue Magnet recommends advertising on Instagram via your Instagram account.
The example below is of an ad where the objective is to increase engagement. Note: There are all no call-to-actions in this example. The purpose of this particular ad was to drive brand awareness.
How much money do I need to spend?
I do not care who you are talking to, there is no “right” answer to this question. At Blue Magnet, we have seen successful campaigns with even the smallest of budgets – as little as twenty-five dollars. Facebook requires that your minimum daily budget is $1.00 USD and at least two times your cost per click (CPC) if you choose automatic bidding, five times your CPC is you are manually bidding. With that being said, here are a few questions to ask yourself when determining budget:
Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Account
- Estimated Audience Size: Is your hotel looking to target moms within ten miles of your property for an Easter brunch or are you looking to target business travelers in the United States who have an affinity for your brand? The bigger your reach, the higher the budget you may want to consider.
- Length of Campaign: This might come as a no-brainer, but the longer the campaign is running, the higher your budget should be. If your hotel’s targeting strategy involves remarketing (for example, you want your Facebook campaign to show to people who recently visited your website), you will want to make sure your campaign runs long enough to capture cookies from your website visitors.
- Seasonality:Bidding can be higher or lower during any given time period depending on your strategy, the time of year, and your target market. For example, are you targeting users who are interested in the NFL and football because the Super Bowl is in your city this year? It is likely that there are plenty of other people implementing that same strategy to their campaigns, causing the cost per click or engagement to be higher than it might be normally.
- Your Goals: The most important item to consider when setting a budget is, ultimately, what do you want to get out the campaign? If you are looking to increase website traffic by a specific percentage, you will want to factor those end results into your overall budget strategy.
What type of return on investment can I expect?
The age old topic of ROI… Often times, it is a challenge to attribute exact return on investment from social media efforts, but there is always a way to determine a way to report on results. With Facebook’s Ad platform, there are a number of metrics we can report on after (and during the duration of) the campaign. Depending on your ad objective, determining the ROI may be more (or less) straightforward. For example, if the objective is “Post Promotion,” determining your return based off the number of likes and comments is going to be an estimate. For example, “If one out of every 10,000 people reach booked a two-night stay at the lowest average daily rate, then…,” or you might base ROI off of general sentiment – were users’ overall reaction to the post positive? With objectives such as website clicks and conversions, determining exact return on investment will be more direct.
When we run a campaign we want to know the results were well worth our investment. The bottom line is there are many ways to calculate performance depending on your goals, objectives, and the tracking your advertiser is able to implement. By creating strong, targeted audiences and relevant, creative messages, we can get your hotel’s message in front of exactly the right people at exactly the right time.
Bonus Question: How can I grow my account’s audience without ads?
Instagram said it best, “The best way to grow and strengthen your audience is to create high quality, on-brand content that people want to see in their Instagram feed.” At Blue Magnet, we could not agree more. Creating strong, relevant content is the key to success on all social media networks and will maximize your chances of being discovered organically. Instagram also suggests making social part of your day-to-day marketing initiatives. It is also an excellent idea to post signs, table tents, and the like on-property so guests know where they can find your property online. Include your handles and URLs on any and all marketing collateral, including your team’s email signatures and handouts and cross promote your accounts across networks.
Ready, set… invest? Not so fast.
Before diving into any opportunity, it is important to stop and ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” If your answer is, “Because everyone else is doing it,” that is not good enough. Before you embark on any new digital marketing adventure, write down your hotel’s goals. Think about your target market and research where they are spending their time. Consider your hotel’s budget, what metrics are most important to your team, and the amount of money (and time) you are willing to invest.
Advertising on social media has its advantages when you have done your research and set solid goals in place beforehand. If you do not have the time, money, or, most importantly, photography to advertise on Instagram, there are always other options that might fit your needs such as PPC or Facebook or Twitter Ads.
Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Posts
Next month, we will be discussing how to choose the right social media channels for your hotel.
Can You Advertise Gambling On Instagram Passwords
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